The African Christian Fellowship (ACF) is an interdenominational Christian organization committed to being a thriving Christian Community that models integrity, excellence, and compassion. ACF has grown to over fifty (50) chapters located in several states of the United States.
Membership is open to all African Christians, as well as to all Christians who have been called to minister to Africa and Africans.
The AFRICAN CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP is an organization of African Christians in the Diaspora, who through fellowship strive to create better societies both where they reside and in the continent of Africa.
Founded in 1977 as an outreach ministry to African Students, ACF-USA has since grown to over fifty (50) chapters located in several cities across the United States of America.
The ACF, Minnesota chapter was founded in 1982. We function as an organization of African Christians in the Diaspora, who through fellowship strive to create better societies both where we reside and in the continent of Africa. ACF Minnesota seeks to facilitate unity amongst African Christians of all denominations, build bridges between Africans in Minnesota and people around the world.
Our Focus & Meetings
- Promote Christian fellowship and worship
- Mobilize African Christians for effective Godly living
- Work together with other Christian groups to support Africa through mission and evangelistic activities, prayer, and financial support
- Be involved in areas of social concern such as:
- Helping newly arrived Africans to get familiarized with their new environment
- Encourage all members to actively participate in their local churches
- Provide counseling and financial support whenever possible
We believe in:
- God the Creator of all things.
- Jesus Christ as God manifested in the flesh.
- The Holy Spirit, whose purpose is to empower and lead us in righteousness.
- The Holy Bible as the authoritative, and infallible Word of God.
- Love, Sharing, and Fellowship of all Christians.
- Salvation through the saving grace of Jesus, who also is the Christ.
Core Values (Purpose)
The ACF Ministry focuses on Four Strategic Core Areas
- Building The ACF Family & Community
To build, preserve, and support stable, functional, and harmonious African Christian Families & Community that effectively addresses the spiritual, physical, social and emotional needs, and recognizes the diversity of its members.
- Reconnecting with The Continent
To initiate, maintain and support active and relevant connections with the Continent and peoples of Africa; to maximize the benefits of Africa’s Spiritual, social, economic, and cultural resources.
- Building Bridges
To establish consistent, viable, and productive relationships with other groups in the United States, whose mission and purpose agree with ours.
- Passing the Legacy
To inculcate in our children an appreciation of the vision and values of the ACF, and equip them to effectively serve God’s purpose in their generation.